Dear Springs Residents,
Beginning in 2024, the gates of Springs at Greenleaf Trails Community has opted by Board approval to close the front entrance gates. Your HOA Board of Trustees is responsible to adhere to the requirements and guidelines set forth in the Springs HOA documents.  Decisions made by the board
will be made in adherence with our governing documents and the current laws.
Your Springs HOA Board of Trustees will follow these guidelines:

Gates will continue to remain closed for the Safety and Security of All Springs at Greenleaf Trails Residents, as per being a Gated Community and until the HOA Board of Trustees determines any further actions be taken in accordance to our Governance Bylaws and Articles.

Gates will be open for the annual Norman Garage Sale. The 2025 date is to be determined. If we do not have any residents conducting a garage sale during this time, we will close the gate. Please plan on having your garage sale during this time period as this will be the only time we will have the gates open  for these specific purposes.

If there is a board-approved event going on that will require excessive use of the gate consideration will be made to leave the gates open during that time period. This might include but not limited to the

Open House
Event at the Springs Clubhouse
Food Truck
Estate Sale

During inclement weather, such as ice and or snow conditions, the gates may be left open for
the safety of the residents and to circumvent and potentially avoid any damage to the gates.

All requests for the gate to be open must be given to our HOA management representative,

Erin or Taylar
[email protected]


Your 2024-2025 Springs at Greenleaf Trails Homeowners Association Board or Trustees

Rebecca Papajohn, President

Kelly Akins, Vice President

David White, Treasurer

Dean Coffman, Secretary

Jim Brickman, Communications Liason

Susan Yockel, Community/Facilities Liaison

Jeremy Goodrich, Grounds/Gates Liason

Annual Meeting

Our last annual HOA meeting was held Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at Life Springs Church 600 W. Tecumseh Rd. A quorum was met with more than 52 members represented either by physical presence or by proxy. A vote was taken to fill the four Board vacancies for the term of November 2024 to 2025. No other matter’s of Community business required a vote. The four newly elected officers announced as Kelly Akins, Jim Brickman, Jeremy Goodrich and Rebecca Papajohn. A Board Organizational meeting was scheduled for Monday, November 25th to elect and name Officer Positions. Officers elected are as follows:

Rebecca Papajohn, President

Kelly Akins, Vice President

Dean Coffman, Secretary

David White, Treasurer

Jim Brickman, Communications Liason

Susan Yokel, Community and Facilities Liason

Jeremy Goodrich, Grounds and Gates Liason

Any questions can be directed towards any board member or email us at


2024 Annual Meeting Slide Show



HOA Management Company

To serve our community better The Springs at Greenleaf Trails Board have voted to change HOA Management Companies.  The management company is Oklahoma HOA Partner.  Their contact Information is below.

Erin or Taylar
405-677-9316 – FAX
[email protected]